The Guiding Light of Rākaumangamanga     (Cape Brett)

The Guiding Light of Rākaumangamanga (Cape Brett)

  • 910 x 400mm
  • Acrylic, newsprint and compressed charcoal on board in recycled cedar window frame
  • 2023
  • $3000

    Rākaumangamanga was the landing point of the first 7 waka that traveled from Hawaiiki to Aotearoa, whose occupants followed the beaconing lights of the peninsulas crystalline rocks.’ ( In 1906 a lighthouse was built high on the peninsula to provide safe passage for new arrivals. This painting includes the distant lighthouse as well as the 7 ‘ghosted’ waka…the voyage via the famous Hole-in-the-Rock Island, highlighted by the glowing light on the rocks.